A 6-Month Coaching Program For Building the Body of Your Dreams and Transforming Your Life.
You Made The Cut!
When that timer hits zero, we will shut the doors to join coaching.
Then we officially kick off the 6 months with you starting next week!
If you’re still not sure if this is for you…
After reviewing almost 3,000 applications...
You’re one of the people who truly stood out.
I want to thank you for applying to join the 6 month coaching program!
I’m only interested in working with people who are 100% serious and committed.
And I’m downright excited to get you into crazy shape these next 6 months, setting you on the path to living the life of your dreams, in the body of your dreams.
My goal is to help you strip off that final layer of fat and get you into razor sharp condition.
You will look sharper than you’ve ever been.
The Coaching Program is Made to Accelerate Your Transformation
We don’t open this opportunity for the public.
Frankly, not everyone is cut out for producing serious results in their lives.
Those are the people who rather make excuses for themselves…
Never pushing the envelop…
Never testing themselves…
Never stepping beyond mediocrity…
At this point in my career, I’m ONLY interested in working with clients who show me they’re hungry for producing AMAZING results in their lives.
You are that person.
Now, I’m not going to beat around the bush any further…
Let me show you why coaching is a game changer.

My goal is to get a million people the body of their dreams.
But here’s the thing, throughout the years, not only do I have super affordable and easy-to-follow workout programs on the market…
I also have hundreds of YouTube videos with free information, which have been seen by millions of viewers!
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!!!

Sure, I’ve received hundreds of incredible transformations from clients over the years, and I’m beyond proud to have been a part of their journey.
But if you do the math, I should be seeing hundreds of thousands!
It started to become clear to me…
Yes, just about anyone can create the body of their dreams…
The problem is, most people won’t.
Which is why I’m speaking with you today…
Movie Star Body Coaching Will Transform Your Life
A lot of men claim they want to get in shape… But they never do.
99% of the time, they don’t have a “strategy” problem.
They have an EXECUTION problem.
No matter how great your intentions are, if you don’t get leverage over yourself, you’ll never pick up enough momentum to see yourself actually transform.
No matter the strategy, tactics, routines, or techniques…
No matter how simple the system is in practice, the ceiling of success is always found in TAKING ACTION.
It boils down to action and accountability.
Movie Star Body Coaching will give you access to an epic community, a band of coaches, and a chance to hop on weekly calls and ask me anything.
The workout & nutrition program itself serves as a rock-solid foundation for your long-term success, and the coaching aspect is the pressure keeping you locked in consistently for 6 straight months!
Weekly Coaching Calls with Me
Each week, I hop on calls with the entire group. On these calls, I spend the first half riffing on fitness and lifestyle content that I don’t share anywhere else. It’s like an exclusive Kinobody podcast that’s ONLY available to coaching clients.

On these calls I have my support coaches present to help field questions, and a facilitator who moderates the group chat, highlighting your questions which get answered right there live on call.
These coaching calls are always recorded and uploaded inside your exclusive members area, in case you miss it, or want to listen back to it.
Bi-Weekly Calls with Coaching Support

Coach Scott & Coach Basile
Every two weeks, my coaching support staff hosts a call for you. The purpose of these bi-weekly calls is to allow for hyper-specific fitness questions related to your journey. These calls are hosted by my head coach, Scott Bellott, who has been working with me for over 6 years. And they’re co-hosted by Joe Basile, one of the executive coaches on our team. Scott & Joe make it their mission to get you on track and clear up any roadblocks you may be facing.
The Complete Movie Star Body Program
Get instant access to the Movie Star Body Program! My pride and joy birthed at the beginning of this year, it has my cutting edge principles for getting absolutely shredded.

We have a full training program along with an in-depth nutrition reference. It covers everything you need to know for shedding body fat, and building rock hard dense muscle. All while allowing you to train as little as 3 days a week, eat satisfying meals, and simple strategies for accelerating fat loss.
Coaching Call Vault

Even if you already have the Movie Star Body Platinum program, you’re getting additional access to our coaching member’s area, which is the base program, but has over 26 recorded coaching calls ready to listen to right now.
Yes, when you join today, you immediately unlock over 30 hours of premium content which is ONLY for clients, never released anywhere else.
Exclusive Members Only Group

As soon as you join, we’ll send you an invitation to access our exclusive members only Facebook group. Each person who applies to join is vetted, so we can verify you and maintain the integrity of the group for active coaching members only.
The whole purpose is about giving you access to my coaches and I, and also a unique tribe of men who are like you, on a path of building the body and life of their dreams.
Why You Absolutely Need to Join Coaching Today
The moment you choose to commit and start investing in your own success, your life will begin to change...
Build a Movie Star Body
This is an elite level of fitness very few people understand how to achieve. You will be lean & toned, abs are clearly visible, shoulders pronounced, face is chiseled, and have a plate of armor chest.
This is the physique reserved for Hollywood actors. Having a body like this effortlessly communicates authority and commands respect.
You will be seen as a powerful man. Even when you’re fully clothed, the movie star physique is about building the right proportions, which actually looks amazing when wearing outfits made to fit you perfectly, and accentuate your build.

My transformation after understanding the secrets to building a Hollywood physique
When you drop into single digit body fat and dramatically increase your lifts, you will look and feel absolutely amazing!
Most guys at the gym don’t understand this. They’re training and eating all wrong. And what do you see in most gyms?! Big bulky dudes hogging the machines and squat racks.
We don’t do fitness like the rest. With Movie Star Body we are following an exact system for properly cutting and getting that razor sharp condition normally seen on the big screen!
Unlock Core Confidence

When you begin to get success in fitness, your own identity experiences a profound shift.
You begin to cut out all the fat in your life (literally & figuratively), and instead you start focusing on the areas of your life which are actually meaningful for you.
You will start to embody a truly refined sense of confidence and ease, where you can take your results-driven attitude from fitness, and apply it to all areas of your life.
It’s no coincidence that my clients who get ripped also end up landing in amazing relationships or accelerating in their career.
The men who transform their bodies on my programs use that success as a force multiplier for generating incredible results across the board.
Become a Man in Your Prime
Handle your results in fitness within this 6 month window, and allow room for the BIGGER PICTURE down the road.
My clients choose me because they know I value having a phenomenal life across the board.
When you transform your body, you are giving yourself tangible proof of what you’re capable of…
And you begin to see who you’re capable of becoming.
The results you experience from building the body of your dreams, injects you with the desire and focus to build an equally impressive life.

If this were just about getting shredded, you and I wouldn’t be talking right now…
This is about becoming a man in your prime.
It’s time to get in the driver’s seat of your life and start taking control.
Own up to what you really want, and get after it NOW.
Attract Amazing Relationships

Whether you’re single or already in a relationship, it only gets better.
Getting lean and strong makes you more attractive, it’s a scientific fact!
The women in your life won’t be able to keep their hands off of you.
If you’re already in a relationship, getting in incredible shape is perfect for igniting passion with your partner – heck, you may even end up working out together!
If you’re single, having a movie star body only increases your value, opening up more options for relationships.

Funny story about the screenshot above!
The other week I was watching one of my coaching client’s instagram stories…
He was performing hand stands and other elite body weight movements at the beach, looking absolutely shredded!
I sent him a message: “Looking good! This better get you some dates!”
Anyway, a few days later he reached out saying he got that date setup!
It’s not just about being jacked, it’s about building your confidence and realizing your TRUE value, that’s what attracts partners!
Upgrade Your Standards
The clients who work with me are choosing to be above average.
And the results we produce go BEYOND average.
When you begin to live and breathe in the body of a movie star, you start setting a higher standard for yourself.
The standard will reflect back to you in your peer group, your networks, your relationships, and your career…
When you enter peak physical shape, you begin to understand how simple it can be to set your mind to a desired outcome, and make it happen.
Better yet, your appetite for just how fkin good it can be only INCREASES!

It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and wasting your energy on irrelevant activities and attitudes which only serve to keep your complacent.
As soon as you take your physique to the top echelon, you will instinctively replicate those results in everything you do for the rest of your life.
My Clients are a Force to be Reckoned with...
The program accelerates your results unlike anything else. Prepare to experience a transformation which will benefit you beyond fitness.
This is a program unparalleled by any other coach. My team and I are making it our personal duty to watch you completely transform in just 6 months.
This is an opportunity we only offer to people like yourself, who showed us you have an aptitude to get shit done.

A 6-Month Coaching Program for Building the Body of Your Dreams and Transforming Your Life.
You Made The Cut!
Based on your application, I’ve selected you.
You need to lock in your spot before:
After that, we shut the doors for good.
And we kick off the 6 months starting next week!
If you’re still not sure if this is for you…
After reviewing almost three thousand applications…
You’re one of the people who truly stood out.
I want to thank you for applying to join the 6 month coaching program!
I’m only interested in working with people who are 100% serious and committed.
And I’m downright excited to get you into crazy shape these next 6 months, setting you on the path to living the life of your dreams, in the body of your dreams.
My goal is to help you strip off that final layer of fat and get you into razor sharp condition.
You will look sharper than you’ve ever been.
We’ll be focusing on building muscle on the upper chest, shoulders, and traps, making your physique stand out unbelievably well.
I’m so excited to see your results 6 months from now!
The coaching program is made to accelerate your journey.
We don’t open this opportunity up to the public.
Frankly, not everyone is cut out for producing serious results in their lives.
Those are the people who rather make excuses.
Never pushing the envelop….
Never stepping beyond mediocrity…
At this point in my career, I’m ONLY interested in working with clients who show me they’re hungry for producing AMAZING results in their lives.
You are that person.
Now, I’m not going to beat around the bush any further…
Let me show you why coaching is a game changer.

My goal is to get a million people the body of their dreams.
But here’s the thing, throughout the years, not only do I have super affordable and easy-to-follow workout programs on the market…
I also have hundreds of YouTube videos with free information, which have been seen by millions of viewers!
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!!!
Sure, I’ve received hundreds of incredible transformations from clients over the years, and I’m beyond proud to have been a part of their journeys.
But if you do the math, I should be seeing hundreds of thousands!
It started to become clear to me…
Yes, just about anyone can create the body of their dreams…
The problem is, most people won’t.
Which is why I’m speaking with you today…
A lot of men claim they want to get in shape… But they never do.
99% of the time, they don’t have a “strategy” problem
They have an EXECUTION problem.
Boiling down to accountability and taking action.
No matter how great your intentions are, if you don’t get leverage over yourself, you’ll never pick up enough momentum to see yourself actually transform.
No matter the strategy, tactics, routines, or techniques…
No matter how simple the system is in practice, the ceiling of success is always found in TAKING ACTION and STICKING TO IT.
Movie Star Body Coaching will give you access to an epic community, a band of coaches, and a chance to hop on weekly calls and ask me anything.
The workout & nutrition program itself serves as a rock-solid foundation for your long-term success, and the coaching aspect is the pressure keeping you locked in consistently for 6 straight months!
Weekly Coaching Calls with Me
Each week, I hop on calls with the entire group. On these calls, I spend the first half riffing on fitness and lifestyle content that I don’t share anywhere else. It’s like an exclusive Kinobody podcast that’s ONLY available to coaching clients.
On these calls I have my support coaches present to help field questions, and a facilitator who moderates the group chat, highlighting pertinent member questions which get answered right there live on call.
These coaching calls are always recorded and uploaded inside your exclusive members area, in case you miss it, or want to listen back to it.

Coach Scott & Coach Basile
Bi-weekly Calls with Coaching Support
Every two weeks, my coaching support staff hosts a call for you. The purpose of these bi-weekly calls is to allow for hyper-specific fitness questions related to your journey. These calls are hosted by my head coach, Scott Bellott, who has been working with me for over 6 years. And they’re co-hosted by Joe Basile, one of the executive coaches on our team. Scott & Joe make it their mission to get you on track and clear up any roadblocks you may be facing.
Complete Movie Star Body Program
Get instant access to the Movie Star Body Program! My pride and joy birthed at the beginning of this year, it has my cutting edge principles for getting absolutely shredded. We have a full training program along with an in-depth nutrition reference. It covers everything you need to know for shedding body fat, and building rock hard dense muscle. All while allowing you to train as little as 3 days a week, eat satisfying meals, and simple strategies for accelerating fat loss.

Coaching Call Vault
Even if you already have the Movie Star Body Platinum program, you’re getting additional access to our coaching member’s area, which is the base program, but has over 26 recorded coaching calls ready to listen to right now. Yes, when you join today, you immediately unlock over 30 hours of premium content which is ONLY for clients, never released anywhere before.
Exclusive Member's Only Group
As soon as you join, we’ll send you an invitation to access our exclusive members only facebook group. Each person who applied to join is vetted, so we can verify you and maintain the integrity of the group for active coaching members only. The whole purpose is about giving you access to my coaches and I, and also a unique tribe of men who are like you, on a path of building the body and life of their dreams.

Why You Absolutely Need to Join Coaching Today
The moment you choose to commit and start investing in your own success, your life will begin to change
Build a Movie Star Body
This is an elite level of fitness very few people understand how to achieve. You will be lean & toned, abs are clearly visible, shoulders pronounced, face is chiseled, and have a plate of armor chest.
This is the physique reserved for Hollywood actors. Having a body like this effortlessly communicates authority and commands respect.
You will be seen as a powerful man. Even when you’re fully clothed, the movie star physique is about building the right proportions, which actually looks amazing when wearing outfits made to fit you perfectly, and accentuate your build.
When you drop into single digit body fat and dramatically increase your lifts, you will look and feel absolutely amazing!
Most guys at the gym don’t understand this. They’re training and eating all wrong. And what do you see in most gyms?! Big bulky dudes hogging the machines and squat racks.
We don’t do fitness like the rest. With Movie Star Body we are following an exact system for properly cutting and getting that razor sharp condition normally seen on the big screen!
Unlock Core Confidence
When you begin to get success in fitness, your own identity experiences a profound shift.
You begin to cut out all the fat in your life (literally & figuratively), and instead you start focusing on the areas of your life which are actually meaningful for you.
You will start to embody a truly refined sense of confidence and ease, where you can take your results-driven attitude from fitness, and apply it to all areas of your life.
It’s no coincidence that my clients who get ripped also end up landing in an amazing relationship or accelerating in their career.
The men who transform their bodies on my programs use that success as a force multiplier for generating amazing results across the board.

Become a Man in Your Prime
Handle your results in fitness within this 6 month window, and allow room for the BIGGER PICTURE down the road.
My clients choose me because they know I value having a phenomenal life across the board.
When you transform your body, you are giving yourself tangible proof of what you’re capable of…
And you begin to see who you’re capable of becoming.
The results you experience from building the body of your dreams, injects you with the desire and focus to build an equally impressive life.
If this were just about getting shredded, you and I wouldn’t be talking right now…
This is about becoming a man in your prime.
It’s time to get in the driver’s seat of your life and take control.
Own up to what you really want, and get after it NOW.
Attract Amazing Relationships
Whether you’re single or already in a relationship, it only gets better.
Getting lean and strong makes you more attractive, it’s a scientific fact!
The women in your life won’t be able to keep their hands off of you.
If you’re already in a relationship, getting in incredible shape is perfect for igniting passion with your partner – heck, you may even end up working out together!
If you’re single, having a movie star body only increases your value, opening up more options for relationships.
By just being in great shape, you’re already communicating an aspect of your values and character before even speaking a single word!

Funny story about the screenshot to the right…
The other week I watching one of my coaching client’s instagram stories… He was performing hand stands and other elite body weight movements at the beach, looking absolutely shredded.
I sent him a message: “Looking good! This better get you some dates!”
Anyway, a few days later he reached out saying he got that date setup!
It’s not just about being jacked, it’s about building your confidence and realizing your TRUE value. That’s what attracts partners!

Upgrade Your Standards
The clients who work with me are choosing to be above average.
And the results we produce go BEYOND average.
When you begin to live and breathe in the body of a movie star, you start setting a higher standard for yourself.
This standard will reflect back to you in your peer group, your networks, your relationships, and your career…
When you enter peak physical shape, you begin to understand how simple it can be to set your mind to a desired outcome, and make it happen.
Better yet, your appetite for just how fkin good it can be only INCREASES!
It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and wasting your energy on irrelevant activities and attitudes which only serve to keep you complacent.
As soon as you take your physique to the top echelon, you will instinctively replicate those results in everything you do for the rest of your life.
My Coaching Clients are a Force to be Reckoned with...
The program accelerates your results unlike anything else. Prepare to experience a transformation which will benefit you beyond fitness. This is a program unparalleled by any other coach. My team and I are making it our personal duty to watch your transform in just 6 months. This is an opportunity we only offer to people like yourself, who showed us you have an aptitude to get shit done.
Let’s take another look at what you’re getting inside Movie Star Body Coaching when you sign up today:
Let's take another look at what you're getting inside Movie Star Body Coaching when you sign up today:

Now you can see…
Movie Star Body Coaching contains $8,339 of value. Meaning, each month we’re delivering over $1,389 in value!
When you join coaching, you’re making a decision to transform your life starting today.
In fact, I bet the change you will experience is so MASSIVE…
You’ll realize the TRUE value of coaching is PRICELESS.
Here’s the thing… I’m not going to charge you $8,339.
Despite all of the value inside coaching, I don’t want to feed you more excuses.
You see, if I made coaching thousands of dollars, I know you’d click right off this page.
The last thing you need are more excuses to not start handling this right now.
You’re receiving this invitation for a reason.
Because you applied and showed me:
You’re willing to do what it takes…
You’re committed to your results…
You’re ready to invest in yourself…
Now, I’m giving you a chance to show yourself what’s possible…
Which is why I’m inviting you to join this elite opportunity for an investment of:
That’s right! take another look at what you’re getting…

That’s a one-time investment of $997 to not only start living in the body of your dreams…
It’s a chance to start creating the life of your dreams.
Look at it this way:
The cost breaks down to $166.16 per month.
That’s only $41.54 per week!!!
Joining coaching is a no-brainer.
I’m not going to twist your arm for you to join me.
Listen, If you’re still reading this…
You either love the sound of my voice in your head – or you’re still not sure.
And the truth is, maybe this isn’t for you.
If you need one more excuse to not take control of your life:
Then coaching isn’t for you.
I’m speaking to a select group of men who understand the TRUE cost.
The opportunity costs of not joining this program are insane!
No matter what you choose, your decision will ripple throughout the course of your entire life.
You either quit investing in sorry excuses and start handling your life today.
Or, just go ahead and hop off this page, telling yourself “maybe next time”…
Securing your illusion of comfort and safety, living life as the same old you.
Finding safety in a risk-free life and, rewarding yourself with the predictability of being average.
But here’s the thing…
I know you want more for yourself.
I’m not going to twist your arm for you to join me.
Listen, If you’re still reading this…
You either love the sound of my voice in your head – or you’re still not sure.
The truth is, maybe this isn’t for you.
If you need one more excuse to not take control of your life:
Then coaching isn’t for you.
I’m speaking to a select group of men who understand the TRUE cost.
The opportunity costs of not joining this program are insane!
No matter what you choose for yourself, your decision will ripple throughout your entire life.
You either quit investing in sorry excuses and start managing your results today.
Or, just go ahead and hop off this page, telling yourself “maybe next time”…
Securing your illusion of comfort and safety – living life as the same old you.
Finding safety in a risk-free life and rewarding yourself with the predictability of being average.
But here’s the thing…
I know you want more for yourself.
Imagine your life 6 months from right now...
Having the body of a movie star
Building the strength of a greek god
Walking with the magnetism of James Bond
Thinking with laser-focused precision
Attracting a high value social network
Sustaining a wealth of financial opportunities
Working with explosive energy
F*%king like an animal
Dominating in all your pursuits
Feeling absolutely unstoppable
Living with unwavering confidence
Imagine 6 months from right now...
Having the body of a movie star
Building the strength of a greek god
Walking with the magnetism of James Bond
Thinking with laser-focused precision
Attracting a high value social network
Sustaining a wealth of financial opportunities
Working with explosive energy
Creating a thrilling sex life
F*%king like an animal
Dominating in all your pursuits
Feeling absolutely unstoppable
Living with unwavering confidence
Don't just take my word for it, see what my 12 week clients are saying about their experiences:

My Original Coaching Clients only had 12 Weeks...
I’m inviting you to work with me and my coaches for 6 MONTHS!
Think of the transformations you just saw and read above…
But you get 24 WEEKS to truly master your body.
That’s double the time and attention.
I’ll let you do the math on what that means for you.
Over the next 6 months I will reveal:
- The exact system for achieving INCREDIBLE strength gains
- How to transform into a movie star with or without the gym
- The James Bond lifestyle for cutting to single digit body fat
- And so many more insightful techniques for mastering your life!
You Have a Choice...
I can’t make this decision for you.
It’s your responsibility to define the life you want.
A life imbued with a deep sense of passion, vigor, and purpose.
Before you think I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s be clear:
This isn’t just a fitness system.
This is about engineering the life of your dreams.
If you were ever planning to do that – there’s no more time to wait.
Are you the one calling the shots in your own life?
Are you just going to keep betting against yourself?
So my last question is…
My Original Coaching Clients only had 12 Weeks...
I’m inviting you to work with me and my coaches for 6 MONTHS!
Think of the transformations you just saw and read above…
But you get 24 WEEKS to truly master your body.
That’s double the time and attention.
I’ll let you do the math on what that means for you.
Over the next 6 months I will reveal:
- The exact system for achieving INCREDIBLE strength gains
- How to transform into a movie star with or without the gym
- The James Bond lifestyle for cutting to single digit body fat
- And so many more insightful techniques for mastering your life!
You Have a Choice
I can’t make this decision for you.
It’s your responsibility to define the life you want for yourself.
A life imbued with a deep sense of passion, vigor, and purpose.
Before you think I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s be clear:
This isn’t just a fitness system.
This is about engineering the life of your dreams.
If you were ever planning to do that – there’s no more time to wait.
Are you the one calling the shots in your life?
Are you just going to keep betting against yourself?
So my last question is…